What makes classes unmissable for students in 2024?

Higher Education

Peter Eyre
by Peter Eyre
What makes classes unmissable for students in 2024?

Class attendance in US universities ‘at record low' 

Students are missing classes... 

  • We're asking students why they miss lectures/classes...
  • There's two $250/£250 Amazon vouchers up for grabs!
  • Students... click this link to get started: 🎓 Student Class Attendance Survey 🎉

It’s well documented that students who attend their lectures and classes do better, so why is missing classes once again hitting the headlines?  

With the wide range of accessible tech tools and cutting edge teaching techniques being used in education today, what are the barriers to students valueing and making the most of the live learning experience? 

What is it that will have a student debating whether or not to attend a class and what are the ingedients that make some classes unmisslebe? 

That’s what we’ve set out to find out… by asking the students themselves. 

At Vevox we believe that every class, lecture, meeting, presentation or training session should be an unmissable learning experience. We might all have personal experiences and assumptions regarding the factors that would make a class ‘unmissable’, but we want want to know what students are actually saying, feeling and experiencing in 2024.  

Vevox is reaching out to current higher education students across the US, UK and further afield to ask exactly that. In true Vevox style all responses will be anonymous in order to achieve the most honest, unlimited feedback - ensuring every voice is heard.

For that extra motivation to spend 2 minutes completing the survey, there’salso two $250/£250 amazon vouchers up for grabs!  

Privacy and personal information: Please note that as with all 'anonymous' Vevox sessions, no personal information, data, or IP addresses are tracked and therefore stored, with the exception of email addresses in order to enter the prize draw and be informed in case of winning. Entering an email adress is optional and email addresses will not be used for any other purpose than the prize draw and not stored after the draw has taken place. Survey results will be made available on Vevox.com in due course and will reference general trends and comments made by respondants with no reference to their specific University, College or course as this information is not asked for as part of the survey. Full terms and conditions and data policy can be viewed here

So, if you’re a student or know any, please forward them the link below which contains all the details they need to complete the short survey. Thank you for supporting our research! 

We look forward to sharing the results with you later in the year - if you want to be the first to hear the insights gathered, either sign up for a free Vevox account and subscribe to the newsletter or simply follow us on social media - X/Twitter or LinkedIn