5 ways to boost student participation in your University classes

Higher Education

Ben Waugh
by Ben Waugh
5 ways to boost student participation in your University classes

As a higher education teacher, you know how essential class participation and engagement are for learners' success. However, getting students to actively participate in class isn't always easy. Asking students to put their hands up in class or asking for questions can sometimes feel tense for both the students and the instructor, and it's not always the most effective method to reignite enthusiasm. That's where tools like Vevox comes in.

Nowadays there are user-friendly tools that are designed to boost engagement and participation in higher education settings. Whether that be classes, seminars, workshops or hybrid class settings. Here are some strategies for using tools like Vevox to encourage students to participate in your class effectively. 

1. Start with an icebreaker

Vevox allows you to create icebreaker questions that can help spark conversation and encourage students to answer. You can utilize different features like live word clouds, clickable images, and multiple choice polls to interact with students in different ways to get that instant engagement. Alternatively, simpler comprehension questions can also work. Use Vevox for quick icebreakers and for quick polls to find out what your students know, and you'll be amazed at how quickly they get engaged!

2. Set expectations for student participation 

On the first day of class, communicate your expectations for participation with students. Let them know what's expected of them from the beginning so that there's no confusion later. Ensure that everyone understands how to participate on the platform, both in-person or virtually, to maximize engagement and prevent technical difficulties.

3. Utilize anonymous communication

Vevox offers anonymous discussion and communication features through online discussion and Q&A, where students can post questions or ideas without fear of judgement. This is great for those who are often to scared to speak up in front of their peers or have concerns about sharing in large groups. This approach can be particularly helpful for students who might not feel confident speaking out loud in class or prefer to reflect before sharing their thoughts.

4. Allow room for reflection 

Silence in class can be a good thing! When you ask your class a question, allow ample time for students to contemplate before answering. Silence often means they're processing the question and thinking about the best response instead of ignoring or not participating. Also allow a period of time for students to ask questions before your Q&A so they have thinking space and don't have to come up with questions or ideas on the spot! 

5. Student-generated learning (and inclusivity!)

Sometimes, the best questions or statements come from your students and the best way to learn is through other students! Consider asking students for their opinion on a fellow student's statement or question. Use anonymous polling questions to encourage students to participate, even if they're not confident with their answers or afraid to ask a question. By students invoking discussions themselves and creating a collaborative learning approach it helps to create bonds and to form a positive team learning environment. Also make sure that any teaching pratices and methods accommodate different learning preferences, disabilities, and language learners of various backgrounds. Plaftorms like Vevox ensures that all students have equal opportunities for participation and their thoughts are heard during classes. 

Get started today to make your classes unmissable

Vevox offers educators a dynamic way to boost engagement and participation in their classes. With its easy-to-use platform, web app and integrations, you can ensure that all students participate, maximize engagement, and promote collaboration with ease. Tackle the issue of disengagement from your students head-on by incorporating Vevox into the classroom today! Sign up today to try Vevox for free!

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